International professional speaker, Climate Change Reality leader, sustainability facilitator, responsible tourism and hospitality influencer, green procurement consultant and ethical food activist, Lorraine Jenks is a leader in motivating better practices in both the corporate and private sectors.
With over 50 years of experience in environmental activism and a sense of humour to match, get ready for a professional but personal experience from “The Little Green Queen” where personality and positive energy balance the seriousness of the topics at hand.
Gutsy, witty and passionate, Lorraine started her journey as an activist in California in 1969 – and has never looked back! With two leading online companies to her name, she is qualified to speak knowledgeably and practically on environmental awareness, going green, climate change, conscious procurement and environmental ethics.
Motivational speaker
Keynote speaker
Master of Ceremonies
Panel moderator
Sustainability coach
Confex organiser
Workshop manager
No lecturing. I prefer to provoke thought which shifts mindsets.
Few bewildering graphs and charts and fewer bullet points!
My style is to entertain by using stories and images.
Generous sprinklings of humour to balance serious content.
If necessary, I can rattle the collective mind-set of your leaders.
Giving decision-makers permission to think differently, provokes new thinking.
My audiences leave smiling, informed and inspired to make better choices.
No doom and gloom. Just facts. Why, what and how. Solutions, easy alternative choices and hope.
Clear and professional explanations of the challenges
Clear and easy tools, practices and solutions to adopt immediately
Realistic tips and advice to take away
Leave smiling and feeling inspired, hopeful and in control of an uncertain future
Academic presentations for companies and education bodies
Entertaining presentations for clubs and societies
A mixture of both to encourage buy-in from your group
TedxLytteltonWoman - Gurus have guts. Just do it.
Ranging from large professional conferences to gatherings of a more personal nature, Lorraine speaks, educates and shifts mindsets on:
Climate Change - Causes, effects and most importantly, how to prepare and adapt.
Covid-19 and Climate Change - Parallels and the New Abnormal
Sustainability – Energy, Water, Waste, Operations and Procurement
Green Procurement and Supply Chain Management - all products
Going Green: Why, what and how
Sustainable and Ethical Food and Catering
Responsible Tourism and Hospitality – Economic, Social, Environmental and Political
Sustainable Green Design Lifestyle/ Décor/ Fashion
Climate Change – Future Proof your Family and your Career
Inspirational and entertaining "keynote-with-a-message" – to entertain a social group, club, dinner function
Green Gurus have Guts - TedX talk
The joy of working for yourself and succeeding in your 60s.
Off-the grid self-sustainability for disadvantaged school leavers. Build your own!
Lorraine has presented at scores of conferences and has organised workshops and seminars as far afield as Ghana and China, including:
Chanel Fashion IP Conference in Singapore - Conscious Procurement
Vega College - Green Star Certification
Event Greening Forum - Master Class on Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change
South African Tourism Grading Council - Prepare and adapt to Climate Change
World Travel Market Exhibition and Conference
EXXARO Mining Sustainability Summit
Professional Speakers Association Convention (PSASA)
Tourism Indaba (own breakaway seminar, 6 years running)
Climate Change 101 full day Master Class
BBC Lifestyle/DSTV Grand Designs Theatre
Slow Food Festival, Beijing, China
Sustainable Tourism Agenda, Mombasa, Kenya
Sustainable Tourism and Green Hospitality, Zambia
SA Youth Travel Conference
Decorex Theatre
Hostex Edu-Theatre
Getaway Conference
Facilities Management Conference
Waste Management Pan African Convention
Hotel Investment Conf TBCSA
Wastex Africa Summit
Event Greening Forum
Professional Speakers International Convention
Tedcor Awards Gala
Independent Examinations Board (IEB) training
SAEE (Southern African Energy Efficiently)
African Hotel Investment Convention - Ghana
Sustain and Build Africa Conference
Fiera Milano Hospitality and Food
Food for Thought Conference – CTICC 2 panels
Green Drinks International – Cape Town
Green Drinks International - Sandton
15 Workshops for Eskom’s IDM programme
Africa Waste Summit (2 panels)
The Free State Green Summit (2 keynotes)
RESTOA Tourism Standards, Africa
Smart Procurement Conference 2014 and 2016
Hotelier Summit Africa (2 keynotes)
SAPICS Conferences
Green Tourism Summit in Kenya - 3 keynotes (Climate, Food, Procurement)
TEDx Lyttelton
All Africa Events
Tourvest Wonder Women in Greening
Tourism Marketing Indaba
PEWA Power Energy World Association
Wisehub Innovation Summit
Pecha Kucha
Gansbaai Recycling Project
Tuis and Home Pod House Project
Hotel Show Feature Exhibition Stands and Panel Discussion
Slow Food Soweto Eat In and Conference
SA Teachers Union
Several of the these venues where Lorraine trained or consulted have gone on to win top international sustainability awards:
Vineyard Hotel
Fancourt Hotel and Golf Estate
Southern Sun Hotel Sandton
Intercontinental Hotel Sandton
Palazzo Hotel Montecasino
Hotel Verde
The Peech Hotel
Indaba Hotel
Lilizela Imvelo Responsible Tourism Environmental Award (Chief Judge for 2 years)
Fair Trade in Tourism
Manaung MCCI Green Free State Summit
Vega College Design and Decor
The Saxon
Training the team at Hotel Verde.
5 of the 16 awards Lorraine has been awarded have been for some of these projects:
Hostex – Complete Eco Hotel (twice – top award)
Hostex – Exhibition stand (10 years)
Decorex - Complete Eco Green Home (twice – top award)
Decorex – Exhibition stand (5 years)
BBC Lifestyle/DSTV Grand Designs – Home of the Future
Inspire Design and Décor – Greenstuff Eco Suite (2 awards)
Tourism Indaba – Exhibition (4 years running)
Fiera Milano Hospitality and Food - exhibition
Good Food and Wine Show - exhibition
Facilities Management Conference - exhibition
Eskom IDM (we organised 15 nationwide workshops and exhibitions)
Hotel Show Africa - four feature stands - furnished rooms demonstrating sustainable design and decor
Event Greening Forum - Master Class on Climate Change Preparedness
International trends in food have changed.
Recently Lorraine ran the first such conference in South Africa: a professional, academic, double-blind experiment to formally compare organic and commercial foods.
Eight speakers, 100 chefs, caterers and food professionals.
Identical meals prepared by Prue Leith Chefs Academy.
A sit down lunch for chefs to judge differences in taste.
And - most importantly – to compare costs.
Lorraine represented South Africa at the International Slow Food Conference. Twenty countries brainstormed plans for the future, displayed Arc of Taste foods (rare and endangered plants needing protection) and visited organic farm in Beijing.
Held in Turin. 1,500 exhibition stalls in the park; 3,000 delegates; dozens of concurrent talks and debates; 6,000 protesters marching through Turin against over processed foods and genetically modified (GMO) crops; one million visitors to the exhibition stalls.
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AFRICA and how to prepare and adapt
I have the latest statistics and research from Al Gore and have done extensive research into Climate Change in Africa. They why, what and how to adapt with check lists to prepare and tips from people who have already experienced shifting seasons, extreme weather and impacts. No doom and gloom; just fact, solutions and hope.
Lorraine has a unique ability to take something of immense concern and make it relatable using impactful images and some ingenious humour in her presentations. She left the room stunned by the projections yet enthused at the opportunity to make a change and a difference. (Hence a standing ovation).
DARRYL ERASMUS - Chief Quality Assurance Officer
Tourism Grading Council of South Africa
Thank you so much for adding colour, warmth, passion, laughter and most importantly insight to the 2015 MCCI “Making Mangaung the Green Capital of South Africa” Conference.
Your intimate knowledge on the topic “The what, why and how of going Green” set a solid foundation for the event!
You are truly an asset to the event industry!
The Foundation For The Development Of Africa
As a fellow professional speaker my expectations are generally high -- Lorraine exceeded mine.
Lorraine not only shares her insightful wisdom with finesse and professionalism, she does so with brilliant humour keeping you engaged and attentive.
Every human being should have the privilege of listening to and being inspired by Lorraine.
Professional Speaker, Author, Passionate Foodie
PAUL du TOIT - Professional Speaker - CPS
Folks, this lady is one cracker of a speaker with a very important message, expertly delivered. Do yourself a favour and go and see her.
Paul du Toit, PSASA, CSP
JONI PEDDIE - Professional Speaker
Lorraine speaks with kowledge, integrity and authority on her subjects. But that's not what makes her captivate her audience - she is clear, practical and has a teriffic sense of humour. But more importantly... watch this lady... she will leave a legacy!
Joni Peddie, CEO, BizCom. PSASA Professional Speaker
SAPICS - SA Supply Chain Professionals
Lorraine’s presentation was one of the most popular of the entire regional conference programme in 2016 and we look forward to introducing her to the broader SAPICS community.
They say that dynamite comes in small packages and they are right. Lorraine Jenks is dynamite. Her frank, factual and direct presentation on Sustainable and Green Procurement at the SAPICS Regional Conferences was both interesting and enjoyable and was highly rated by the attendees.
Lorraine tells it like it is and challenges her audience to heed her recommendations in terms of lifestyle changes and to influence business to be more environmentally conscious as they pursue their objectives. Lorraine changed some of my paradigms and I encourage you, if you have to opportunity to hear what she has to say.
Mungo Park, President, SAPICS
This is the keynote I will remember. The one I will think about late at night. By far the best at the summit. Factual, entertaining and inspirational.
On behalf of the Tourism Business Council of South Africa board, the sponsors and partners of HICA 2012, we wish to express our thanks and gratitude for your contribution and participation at the conference.
We believe that your session certainly contributed excellently towards the overall conference theme of “Recharge & Refocus”.
The discussions both in the plenary and breakaway sessions were lively and intellectually stimulating.
HICA Convener and TBCSA Chief Executive Officer
I want to thank you once more for presenting at the Africa Hotel Summit last month in Ghana.
Your unique style of presenting definitely woke up the audience and made them aware of the necessity of ecological and responsible procurement in the hospitality sector in Africa.
The humour and pictures during the presentation were a fresh breeze during the heavy loaded conference without missing their goal: Many delegates rated your presentation amongst the highest regarding new insights and useful information and I’m positive that they will keep your message in the back of their heads when looking at new projects.
Thanks again and we hope to see you at a future hotel summit!
Conference Manager Africa, Lnoppen Bvba, Belgium
SAACI (SA Association for the Conference Industry) CONGRESS
I still have the Tangerine TwIt images in my head. What a great presentation, engaging, thought provoking and dare I say a wake up call!
A perfect balance between relevant and actually crucial information for us to sit up and listen. Time is not on our side and I applaud you for your dedication and passion in getting this message of sustainability spread throughout the events and hospitality industry. It is inspiring to hear someone speak with so much passion and conviction about a topic that is so important and have been overlooked for far too long. The case studies used presented the information in a very digestible and relatable fashion and really brought the message home for our delegates. Thank you again for your time and continued commitment to our and your industry.
Rudi van der Vyver, Chief Executive Officer – SAACI
You’re the best! Your presentations are interesting and informative.
I love the style in which you present with authenticity and honesty.
You get the audience in the palm of your hand because they wonder what you’re going to say next!
I have heard you four times this year and I want to hear you speak again.
Chairman, Event Greening Forum, South Africa
Thank you for coming to chat to us at Hotel Verde. It was great to see such passion and such thorough believe in every element that encompasses sustainability.I think for many of the staff you brought issues to their attention that they have never thought of, for me I learnt many new things I was not aware of. But also, sometimes one gets caught up in day to day living and the stresses thereof and you forget what’s important and how every day decisions or “votes” as you call it make a difference.
I had renewed energy after leaving your talk, to hit my books and study, to pick up my blog on sustainability and to make my votes count!
ROXANNE NORMAN, Customer Relations Executive, Hotel Verde
Lorraine I loved your presentation. In an age of pussy footing around with careful language choices and being very careful not to point fingers you, my friend, are a straight talking finger pointer!
Your use of pictures to illustrate your point and letting the audience grasp the meaning of the picture while your soft voice penetrates like a stiletto and pricks them in their comfort zone!
Irreverent, to the point, polished and fun, like I said at the time I wish we could bottle you and send you to all the meetings where our 'greenies' are sitting on their laurels and add some thorns to those comfy seats!
Gordon Ayres, Agama BiogasPro, HOTELIER SUMMIT IDE
Lorraine’s delivery was so engaging that I lost all track of time. By any measure she is a very effective speaker and sustainability “educator”. I found her personal experiences and views regarding fast-tracked decay in a modern world extremely informative and my eyes will never be closed again.
On behalf of the SAOU – Teachers’ Union, thank you for a memorable, life changing presentation.
Carla Lyon LLB, Povincial Secretary, SA TEACHERS’ UNION
Thank you Lorraine Jenks for your wisdom and professionalism, I really enjoyed the panel discussion. It was my great honor to moderate such great icons in our beloved industry.
Martin Kibald - VP World Chefs Association of Chefs